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Raspberry Pi

: 16 apr 2013 20:58
af Olaf13
H.S skrev:
D-et er da bare at putte det ind i et bash script
og så køre det ;-)
Men tror der er lige så mange ideer
Den har en del IO
der er flere der har lavet kode til C og Python
Bla. til 1 Wire temp. følere (som jeg vil prøve at lege lidt med)
Jeg går med tanken om at lave noget via dens I2C bus
ud til noget ekstern hardware til de godt 200 kr + moms og SD den koster er der jo mange muligheder
Det her var bare en test for at se hvordan den tog det ;-)
Ja ok måske er det let nok og måske skulle man prøve, men havde ellers en ide om at lave noget mere simpel med en Pic micro som også kan bringes på nettet og Arduino har også noget der går på nettet men jeg er lige først begyndt at undersøge mulighederne, jeg vil dog helst køre på Pic som jeg kender bedst.

Raspberry Pi

: 16 apr 2013 22:02
af H.S
Olaf13 skrev:
Ja ok måske er det let nok og måske skulle man prøve, men havde ellers en ide om at lave noget mere simpel med en Pic micro som også kan bringes på nettet og Arduino har også noget der går på nettet men jeg er lige først begyndt at undersøge mulighederne, jeg vil dog helst køre på Pic som jeg kender bedst.
Jeg er bare ikke sikker på at det er mere simpel da pladsen giver andre begrænsninger
har selv leget en del med pic18f97j60
og rigtig mange andre PIC
Jeg har PIC18C, MikroeC, RealICE, ICD3, ICD2, og et hav af dev board ;-)
Men når det gælder noget med TCP/IP osv tror jeg efterhånden at et OS er givet godt ud
og På arm kan man køre Linux eller RISC OS og det gør bare det hele lidt nemmere
Jeg vil nok lave interface delen med en PIC eller lig. men selve webdelen
kunne nemt blive en ARM med Linux (og her er Raspberry pi ikke så ringe)
Just My 2-cent :great:

Raspberry Pi

: 16 apr 2013 22:34
af Olaf13
H.S skrev:
Jeg er bare ikke sikker på at det er mere simpel da pladsen giver andre begrænsninger
har selv leget en del med pic18f97j60
og rigtig mange andre PIC
Jeg har PIC18C, MikroeC, RealICE, ICD3, ICD2, og et hav af dev board ;-)
Men når det gælder noget med TCP/IP osv tror jeg efterhånden at et OS er givet godt ud
og På arm kan man køre Linux eller RISC OS og det gør bare det hele lidt nemmere
Jeg vil nok lave interface delen med en PIC eller lig. men selve webdelen
kunne nemt blive en ARM med Linux (og her er Raspberry pi ikke så ringe)
Just My 2-cent :great:
Henrik jeg kunne godt tænke mig at samarbejde med dig om at lave sådan et overvågnings dims hvis du vil? :great:
Af interface ville jeg lave noget med KW målning på forskelige strenge i mit anlæg til hus, pool osv. så man kan se hvor forbruget går i et støre ejendom, altså noget med at måle temperatur på frem og retur samt flow og en regenstykke for at få KW og selvfølgeligt måling af hvordan fyret ellers køre osv. Jeg har et stort udlejningssommerhus med pool og har planer om at sætte et pillefyr op der. Men syntes også mange andre med dvs. pillefyr kunne få glæd af sådan et kit. :)

Raspberry Pi

: 17 apr 2013 07:37
af motoz
Thanks for the kind words Steen, nice to hear you like it.
I pushed a fixed conf-file, very nice to get a bug report and a fix in the next reply (thanks Peter).
I think I had some idea that the datasets should be alphabetically sorted or something like that when I changed those. I was thinking about how to handle adding new datasets to an existing rrd in a sane way. I ended up scrapping the sorting, but forgot to clean up. I'm using a modified config myself so the default didn't get tested at all (trying hard to avoid pushing my email password to github :lol: ). Btw I posted a perl script I found on the pellmon github wiki on how to add a new dataset to the rrd file, used it to add the tickmark counter without scrapping history. IE don't get much testing (any at all actually) over here, I guess I'll have to try to look into that someday.

Raspberry Pi

: 17 okt 2013 15:00
af Juel
Hi Guys I just installed this yesterday, and may I just say WOW!! This is very nice! Thanks! :)

I have a few questions if you dont mind :)

1. I read in the thread about wearing out the SD Card, and about mooving the DB to a ram drive, is this done by default?
I can see that the #persistent_db = /usr/local/var/lib/pellmon/nvrrd.db is marked out. So I think its not? How do I set that up?

2. I would like to se the Boiler Return Temp, Flow and Magazine Content into the graph, so i added them to the conf file as d12, d13 and d14. and deleted the /usr/local/var/lib/pellmon/rrd.db Rebooted my PI, and the log said:

2013-10-17 14:14:49,910 - INFO - Created rrd database: rrdtool create /usr/local/var/lib/pellmon/rrd.db --step 30 DS:power_kW:GAUGE:120:U:U DS:boiler_temp:GAUGE:120:U:U DS:chute_temp:GAUGE:120:U:U DS:light:GAUGE:120:U:U DS:oxygen_desired:GAUGE:120:U:U DS:oxygen:GAUGE:120:U:U DS:power:GAUGE:120:U:U DS:smoke_temp:GAUGE:120:U:U DS:feeder_time:COUNTER:120:U:U DS:feeder_capacity:GAUGE:120:U:U DS:Boiler_Return_Temp:GAUGE:120:U:U DS:Flow:GAUGE:120:U:U DS:Magazine_Content:GAUGE:120:U:U DS:_logtick:COUNTER:120:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0,999:1:20000 RRA:AVERAGE:0,999:10:20000 RRA:AVERAGE:0,999:100:20000 RRA:AVERAGE:0,999:1000:20000

But now its not showing anything in the grafs, the new items are shown with colors under the graf, so that works :/

This is my conf file:

# or use some other method to add the new dataset to the existing rrd database
# dataSetName = parameter/data name
# The datasets are created and updated in the order they are defined here
# Data names starting with underscore are handled by special cases in the code,
# they are not included in the normal data polling routine. In general
# underscored names are written as undefined
d01 = power_kW
d02 = boiler_temp
d03 = chute_temp
d04 = light
d05 = oxygen_desired
d06 = oxygen
d07 = power
d08 = smoke_temp
d09 = feeder_time
d10 = feeder_capacity
d11 = Boiler_Return_Temp
d12 = Flow
d13 = Magazine_Content

# Whenever something is written to the log, _logtick is also increased.
# It is used to draw a tickmark in the graph
d14 = _logtick

# optional rrd data source definition for the datasets in the pollvalues section
# default is DS:%s:GAUGE:%u:U:U where %s is replaced with the data/parameter na$
# and %u is replaced with 4*pollinterval
d09 = DS:%s:COUNTER:%u:U:U
d14 = DS:%s:COUNTER:%u:U:U

# To add a dataSetName from the pollvalues section to the graph, set
# dataSetName = #hexcolorvalue
d01 = #FF0000
d02 = #00FF00
d03 = #0000FF
d04 = #FFFF00
d05 = #FF05FF
d06 = #0101FF
d07 = #207F20
d08 = #2F2FFF
d11 = #FF05FF
d12 = #2F2FFF
d13 = #000000

What am I doing wrong? Can there only be 10?

Last question:
What will be the best way to make custom alarms? should I just dive into learning python? I Work as a web/SW destribution programmer, so a new language would be nice :D But is this the easy'st way?

And then i have a Bug report, when I chose wich grafs i would like to have shown, the pi forgets it after a reboot :/ Is this a feature, becurse im supposed to only set the Things I would like to see in the config?

Again Thanks this is AWESOME :D

Raspberry Pi

: 17 okt 2013 15:18
af Juel
I have changed it to:

# Data names starting with underscore are handled by special cases in the code,
# they are not included in the normal data polling routine. In general
# underscored names are written as undefined
d01 = power_kW
d02 = boiler_temp
d03 = chute_temp
d04 = light
d05 = Boiler_Return_Temp
d06 = Flow
#d05 = oxygen_desired
#d06 = oxygen
d07 = power
d08 = Magazine_Content
#d08 = smoke_temp
d09 = feeder_time
d10 = feeder_capacity

# Whenever something is written to the log, _logtick is also increased.
# It is used to draw a tickmark in the graph
d11 = _logtick

# optional rrd data source definition for the datasets in the pollvalues section
# default is DS:%s:GAUGE:%u:U:U where %s is replaced with the data/parameter na$
# and %u is replaced with 4*pollinterval
d09 = DS:%s:COUNTER:%u:U:U
d11 = DS:%s:COUNTER:%u:U:U

# To add a dataSetName from the pollvalues section to the graph, set
# dataSetName = #hexcolorvalue
d01 = #FF0000
d02 = #00FF00
d03 = #0000FF
d04 = #FFFF00
d05 = #FF05FF
d06 = #0101FF
d07 = #207F20
d08 = #2F2FFF
#d11 = #FF05FF
#d12 = #2F2FFF
#d13 = #FFFFFF

But still no lines the the graph :/

Raspberry Pi

: 17 okt 2013 16:13
af Juel
Tadaa i found my fault, everything have to be in lower case :)
like this:
d01 = power_kW
d02 = boiler_temp
d03 = chute_temp
d04 = light
d05 = boiler_return_temp
d06 = flow
#d05 = oxygen_desired
#d06 = oxygen
d07 = power
d08 = magazine_content
#d08 = smoke_temp
d09 = feeder_time
d10 = feeder_capacity

So now I only need awnsers for question one and two ;)

Raspberry Pi

: 17 okt 2013 17:40
af motoz
I'm happy to hear that you like it! The data names does not have to be lowercase, but they have to match the definitions in, which are lower case.

About sd-wear out: there is a page in the wiki which describes how to set up a ramdisk. Let me know if it needs improvement.

As I started this project as a way to learn python, I'd say that the best way is to add something is indeed by learning python. You could use the dbus interface from almost any language to read data and generate alarms, or the cli interface, or you could probably even use the webserver interface and do it in javascript if you like. I have started to experiment with a plugin interface (in branch feature/protocol_as_plugin) for pellmonsrv (in python...) so almost any functionality could eventually be added as a separate plugin without having to touch the main project. The plan is to move the scotte/woody communication protocol to a plugin and allow for several protocols to coexist, eg. a plugin for onewire communication to extend the I/O on V4-5-6 controllers, and to make the project useful beyond scotte/woody pellet burners. Not that I wouldn't accept a patch for pellmonsrv directly of course :-)

The plot line selections are stored in the browser session, which for now is stored in ram only. The cherrypy framework allows for storing the session to disk also, but I have not gotten around to that yet.

Raspberry Pi

: 18 okt 2013 00:31
af Juel
Arrhh ok, that explains why its working in lowercase :)
Ohh there is a wiki putton, i found that just now, nice im gonna try that :)

Ok, i think python sound very interesting, i might give it a try of curse i could just make som php script, but where would the fun be in that? :D
It would be fun to get alarms when the silo is low on pills, or the smoke temp is to high, or someting like that :)

Thanks for the answer :) I really really love this project! :D

Raspberry Pi

: 20 nov 2013 21:18
af Juel
Hi Again :)

Im in the process of makeing a complete heatcontrol system for my house, controlling the pelletburner, sunheater, hotwater container and my house's floorheating with a RPi, a relay board and some temp sensors + a normal on/off input.
I have the pellmonsrv running and that Works great :) But Now I want some info out of the pelletburner.
I have tried:

import pellmoncli
print pellmoncli.getItem('boiler_return_temp')

For a test, but it only returns "Error" what am I missing?
I thought I could use pellmoncli to get and set parameters from the pelletburner?

Can one of you point me in the right direction?

Kind regards