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stokerkontrol (woody looging of data on dd-wrt)

: 23 mar 2014 21:01
af motoz
The protocol is documented here:
If you just want to read data it is dead simple, the scotteprotocol python module is as complicated as it is only because it hides the fact that the serial protocol gets data in frames holding tens of data points but writes data one by one with a different frame, plus it handles thread safety so you can read and write data simultaneously from several threads without caring about it. I'm actually an embedded C-guy myself, PellMon was my first use of a really high level language and started as a learning project, and I must say it's often a lot more fun than plain old C because you get so much done with such little effort compared to the heavy lifting one often need to do in C. But of course the right tool in the right place and in my world the raspberrys RAM is enormously big and the 700MHz processor is a speed demon so it's just so much fun compared to the bit-hackery I do for a living...

stokerkontrol (woody looging of data on dd-wrt)

: 24 mar 2014 13:01
af pso
Thanks for the link, I should have found that one myself.

stokerkontrol (woody looging of data on dd-wrt)

: 01 aug 2014 15:13
af pso
Had to give up on the E900, it turned out that the UART port used as consol for the linux and the bootloader, can no be disabled as consol for the bootloader, the control bits are writeprotected.
Now the E900 has found a place as wifi bridge to my new smartTV, the wifi signal was too weak close to the wall where the TV hang, and it was
very hard to run a hidden cable to the TV. the open source dd-wrt is able to rund in bridge mode (connecting cabled devices to a wifi signal).

Instead I bought a Rasberry Pi B+ today.
The long term plan could be to build a complete replacement of my suncomfort as it has SW faults and I want additional features.
The short plan is to implement some think like stokerkontrol in C code. Partly because I want to exercise programming in C and partly because it could be fun to have stokerkontrol funktionality that runs with minimum CPU power.

stokerkontrol (woody looging of data on dd-wrt)

: 03 aug 2014 15:13
af motoz
Maybe you can start from here viewtopic.php?f=137&t=18530#p205730?